Phone: +36 20 444 4474 (from 8:00 to 20:00)


Company Info

Website maintained by:


Server operation and development: Kiss Beatrix EV

Our staff and permanent editors:

Kiss Beatrix – editor

Kiss Beatrix EV publishes information, documents, or other written materials displayed on the Website for informational purposes only.

The website was designed and created by:

You can send comments about the operation of the site to the e-mail address.

Disclaimer and Copyright

By accessing the ( website (hereinafter: Website), you accept the following conditions, even if you are not a registered user of the system:

The content on the Website is the exclusive intellectual property of Kiss Beatrix EV (the “Service Provider”).

The Service Provider reserves all rights related to the copying and distribution of any part of the Website by any method or technique. The content of the Website is protected by international and Hungarian laws.

Without the prior written consent of the owner of the website (Kiss Beatrix EV) and its creator (MORGENS Design Kft. - all or parts of the Website (text, graphics, source code, trademark, photo, data structure, structure, process, program, etc.) may be copied, used, processed and sold in any way.
The pages of the Website are protected by copyright in their entirety, together with the advertisements, it is forbidden to cut out any part of them and to retransmit it to the public in any way.

It is also prohibited to mirror the content of the Website without the prior written permission of the Service Provider, ie to retransmit it utilizing a technical operation, even in an unchanged form.

Unauthorized use of the Website will result in criminal and civil consequences. Notices about the Website may only be received by reference to the Website so that the recipient may not modify the original information and is obliged to include a clear reference to the Website in all subsequent references.

The names of our domains and the name and logo of the 4 SEASON Mountainhotel *** are protected by copyright, their use - except for reference - is possible only with the prior express wrote consent of the Service Provider.

The Service Provider strives to provide accurate and authentic information but does not take responsibility for any damages arising from the information.

Unauthorized use has criminal and civil consequences. Kiss Beatrix EV and MORGENS Design Kft. May demand the immediate termination of the infringement and full compensation for the damage.